A chromosome-scale genome assembly and dense genetic map for Xenopus tropicalis
The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis
iPHoP: An integrated machine learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-derived viruses of archaea and bacteria
Development and Assessment of SNP Genotyping Arrays for Citrus and Its Close Relatives
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
Deletion of the hfsB gene increases ethanol production in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum and several other thermophilic anaerobic bacteria
Plant single-cell solutions for energy and the environment
Genome Data Provides High Support for Generic Boundaries in Burkholderia Sensu Lato
Supercharging Carbohydrate Binding Module Alone Enhances Endocellulase Thermostability, Binding, and Activity on Cellulosic Biomass
Impact of Harvest on Switchgrass Leaf Microbial Communities
A TXTL-Based Assay to Rapidly Identify PAMs for CRISPR-Cas Systems with Multi-Protein Effector Complexes
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family