Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome
Toward Understanding Phage:Host Interactions in the Rumen; Complete Genome Sequences of Lytic Phages Infecting Rumen Bacteria
A Genomic Catalog of Stress Response Genes in Anaerobic Fungi for Applications in Bioproduction
Metagenomes and Metatranscriptomes of a Glucose-Amended Agricultural Soil
Optimized CRISPR Interference System for Investigating Pseudomonas alloputida Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly
Metabolite release by nitrifiers facilitates metabolic interactions in the ocean
Analysis of saccharification in Brachypodium distachyon stems under mild conditions of hydrolysis
Ecological and genomic responses of soil microbiomes to high-severity wildfire: linking community assembly to functional potential
A generalist–specialist trade-off between switchgrass cytotypes impacts climate adaptation and geographic range
Metagenomes and metatranscriptomes from boreal potential and actual acid sulfate soil materials
Engineered Root Bacteria Release Plant-Available Phosphate from Phytate
Microbial responses to long-term warming differ across soil microenvironments