Diversity of genomic adaptations to the post‐fire environment in Pezizales fungi points to crosstalk between charcoal tolerance and sexual development
The central role of selenium in the biochemistry and ecology of the harmful pelagophyte, Aureococcus anophagefferens
CRISPR — a widespread system that provides acquired resistance against phages in bacteria and archaea
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic sulfur-reducing bacterium Thermanaerovibrio velox type strain (Z-9701T) and emended description of the genus Thermanaerovibrio
Multicellular magnetotactic bacteria are genetically heterogeneous consortia with metabolically differentiated cells
Diversity and genomic insights into the uncultured Chloroflexi from the human microbiota
Peatland microbial community responses to plant functional group and drought are depth‐dependent
Occurrence and expression of genes encoding methyl-compound production in rumen bacteria
Genome Sequence of Porticoccus hydrocarbonoclasticus Strain MCTG13d, an Obligate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterium Associated with Marine Eukaryotic Phytoplankton
Ecological divergence of syntopic marine bacterial species is shaped by gene content and expression
Critical biogeochemical functions in the subsurface are associated with bacteria from new phyla and little studied lineages
Socotra Island the forgotten fragment of Gondwana: Unmasking chameleon lizard history with complete mitochondrial genomic data