RegPredict: an integrated system for regulon inference in prokaryotes by comparative genomics approach
Twenty-five years of Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD): data updates and new features in v.9.
Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland
Integrated analysis of homozygous deletions, focal amplifications, and sequence alterations in breast and colorectal cancers
Whole-Genome rVISTA: a tool to determine enrichment of transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters from transcriptomic data
Identifying genomic data use with the Data Citation Explorer
Integrative analysis of multimodal mass spectrometry data in MZmine 3
Microbial co-habitation and lateral gene transfer: what transposases can tell us
Analysis of 81 genes from 64 plastid genomes resolves relationships in angiosperms and identifies genome-scale evolutionary patterns
Comparative Analysis of 126 Cyanobacterial Genomes Reveals Evidence of Functional Diversity Among Homologs of the Redox-Regulated CP12 Protein
Stress responses in an Arctic microalga (Pelagophyceae) following sudden salinity change revealed by gene expression analysis
Taxonomic assignment of uncultivated prokaryotic virus genomes is enabled by gene-sharing networks