Physiology of Highly Radioresistant Escherichia coli After Experimental Evolution for 100 Cycles of Selection
Genome sequencing of four Aureobasidium pullulans varieties: biotechnological potential, stress tolerance, and description of new species
A standardized quantitative analysis strategy for stable isotope probing metagenomics
Evolution of copper arsenate resistance for enhanced enargite bioleaching using the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula
Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08: A potential microbial strain for high rate hydrogen production
Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
Rapid Response of Nitrogen Cycling Gene Transcription to Labile Carbon Amendments in a Soil Microbial Community
Feature selection and causal analysis for microbiome studies in the presence of confounding using standardization
Assembly, comparative analysis, and utilization of a single haplotype reference genome for soybean
Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly
Improved genome annotation for Zymomonas mobilis
Comparative genomics of xylose-fermenting fungi for enhanced biofuel production