Pyrosequencing Reveals High-Temperature Cellulolytic Microbial Consortia in Great Boiling Spring after In Situ Lignocellulose Enrichment
Next generation sequencing data of a defined microbial mock community
Genomic sequencing of single microbial cells from environmental samples
Community Structure and Microbial Associations in Sediment-Free Methanotrophic Enrichment Cultures from a Marine Methane Seep
The United States Culture Collection Network (USCCN): Enhancing Microbial Genomics Research through Living Microbe Culture Collections
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
Disentangling the effects of sulfate and other seawater ions on microbial communities and greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal forested wetland
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
Genomic Signatures for Sedimentary Microbial Utilization of Phytoplankton Detritus in a Fast-Flowing Estuary
Microbial ecology of an Antarctic hypersaline lake: genomic assessment of ecophysiology among dominant haloarchaea
Microbial community analysis of three hydrocarbon reservoir cores provides valuable insights for the assessment of reservoir souring potential