A novel ecological role of the Firmicutes identified in thermophilic microbial fuel cells
A Comparison of Microbial Genome Web Portals
Genome sequence of the plant growth promoting endophytic yeast Rhodotorula graminis WP1
Long-term warming modulates diversity, vertical structuring of microbial communities, and sulfate reduction in coastal Baltic Sea sediments
Rapid Response of Nitrogen Cycling Gene Transcription to Labile Carbon Amendments in a Soil Microbial Community
Missing microbial eukaryotes and misleading meta-omic conclusions
Predominant Acidilobus-Like Populations from Geothermal Environments in Yellowstone National Park Exhibit Similar Metabolic Potential in Different Hypoxic Microbial Communities
Feathermoss and epiphytic Nostoc cooperate differently: expanding the spectrum of plant–cyanobacteria symbiosis
Recombination and insertion events involving the botulinum neurotoxin complex genes in Clostridium botulinum types A, B, E and F and Clostridium butyricumtype E strains
Complete Genome Sequence of Micromonospora Strain L5, a Potential Plant-Growth-Regulating Actinomycete, Originally Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia Root Nodules
A microarray for assessing transcription from pelagic marine microbial taxa
The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation