Assembly, comparative analysis, and utilization of a single haplotype reference genome for soybean
Sequence and genetic map of Meloidogyne hapla: A compact nematode genome for plant parasitism
The complete plastid genome sequence of Welwitschia mirabilis: an unusually compact plastome with accelerated divergence rates
The “Most Wanted” Taxa from the Human Microbiome for Whole Genome Sequencing
Minimum information about a single amplified genome (MISAG) and a metagenome-assembled genome (MIMAG) of bacteria and archaea
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
Polysaccharide utilization loci of North Sea Flavobacteriia as basis for using SusC/D-protein expression for predicting major phytoplankton glycans
Functional Gene Losses Occur with Minimal Size Reduction in the Plastid Genome of the Parasitic Liverwort Aneura mirabilis
Complete Genome of Enterobacteriaceae Bacterium Strain FGI 57, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
Improving genome assemblies by sequencing PCR products with PacBio
Genomic Methods and Microbiological Technologies for Profiling Novel and Extreme Environments for the Extreme Microbiome Project (XMP).
Complete plastid genome sequences suggest strong selection for retention of photosynthetic genes in the parasitic plant genus Cuscuta