Genome Sequence of Thermotoga sp. Strain RQ2, a Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Isolated from a Geothermally Heated Region of the Seafloor near Ribeira Quente, the Azores
Systematics and plastid genome evolution of the cryptically photosynthetic parasitic plant genus Cuscuta(Convolvulaceae)
Gene and transcript abundances of bacterial type III secretion systems from the rumen microbiome are correlated with methane yield in sheep
Improved-high-quality draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus sp. JG-3, a eurypsychrophilic Actinobacteria from Antarctic Dry Valley permafrost
New Microviridae isolated from Sulfitobacter reveals two cosmopolitan subfamilies of single-stranded DNA phages infecting marine and terrestrial Alphaproteobacteria
Genomic Comparison of Two Family-Level Groups of the Uncultivated NAG1 Archaeal Lineage from Chemically and Geographically Disparate Hot Springs
Genome Sequence of Kosmotoga olearia Strain TBF 19.5.1, a Thermophilic Bacterium with a Wide Growth Temperature Range, Isolated from the Troll B Oil Platform in the North Sea
Methanolobus use unspecific methyltransferases to produce methane from dimethylsulphide in Baltic Sea sediments
Whole-Genome rVISTA: a tool to determine enrichment of transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters from transcriptomic data
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
Structural insights into bifunctional thaumarchaeal crotonyl-CoA hydratase and 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase from Nitrosopumilus maritimus
A willow sex chromosome reveals convergent evolution of complex palindromic repeats