Microbial Ecology on Solar Panels in Berkeley, CA, United States
Probing specificities of alcohol acyltransferases for designer ester biosynthesis with a high‐throughput microbial screening platform
Metagenomes from Arctic Soil Microbial Communities from the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Utqiaġvik, AK, USA
BONCAT-FACS-Seq reveals the active fraction of a biocrust community undergoing a wet-up event
Genomic insights into redox-driven microbial processes for carbon decomposition in thawing Arctic soils and permafrost.
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils
Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle
The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation
Ecophysiology of an uncultivated lineage of Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot spring filamentous ‘streamer’ community
Functional diversification within the heme-binding split-barrel family
Tracking heavy water (D2O) incorporation for identifying and sorting active microbial cells
A programmable droplet-based microfluidic device applied to multiparameter analysis of single microbes and microbial communities