Analysis of Brachypodium genomes with genome-wide optical maps
Analysis of Plant Pan-Genomes and Transcriptomes with GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST, a Clustering Solution for Sequences of the Same Species
Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification
IMITATION SWITCH is required for normal chromatin structure and gene repression in PRC2 target domains
Terabase-scale metagenome coassembly with MetaHipMer
Rapid changes in coastal ocean microbiomes uncoupled with shifts in environmental variables
Horizontal gene transfer in Histophilus somni and its role in the evolution of pathogenic strain 2336, as determined by comparative genomic analyses
Russulaceae: a new genomic dataset to study ecosystem function and evolutionary diversification of ectomycorrhizal fungi with their tree associates
Development of a Recombineering System for the Acetogen Eubacterium limosum with Cas9 Counterselection for Markerless Genome Engineering
Tracking of enzymatic biomass deconstruction by fungal secretomes highlights markers of lignocellulose recalcitrance
Drought responsive gene expression regulatory divergence between upland and lowland ecotypes of a perennial C4 grass
Microarray analysis and scale-free gene networks identify candidate regulators in drought-stressed roots of loblolly pine (P. taeda L.)