The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea
Complete genome sequence of Thermobispora bispora type strain (R51T)
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of plant-growth promoting Serratia proteamaculans S4
Erratum to: Complete genome sequence of Pirellula staleyi type strain (ATCC 27377T)
Genome Sequence of “Pedosphaera parvula” Ellin514, an Aerobic Verrucomicrobial Isolate from Pasture Soil
Genome Sequence of the Ethanol-Producing Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae Lectotype Strain ATCC 29192
Complete genome sequence of Halomicrobium mukohataei type strain (arg-2T)
Permanent draft genome sequence of the gliding predator Saprospira grandis strain Sa g1 (= HR1)
Complete genome sequence of Hirschia baltica type strain (IFAM 1418T)
High-quality draft genome sequence of Gracilimonas tropica CL-CB462T (DSM 19535T), isolated from a Synechococcus culture
Genome Sequence of the Arctic Methanotroph Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96
Complete genome sequence of Paenibacillus sp. strain JDR-2