High-Quality Draft Genome Sequences of the Uncultured Delta3 Endosymbiont (Deltaproteobacteria) Assembled from Metagenomes of the Gutless Marine Worm Olavius algarvensis
Complete genome of the cellulolytic thermophile Acidothermus cellulolyticus 11B provides insights into its ecophysiological and evolutionary adaptations
Complete genome sequence of Acidaminococcus fermentans type strain (VR4T)
Genome‐wide scans of selection highlight the impact of biotic and abiotic constraints in natural populations of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
Genome sequences of key bacterial symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes: Xenorhabdus cabanillasii DSM17905, Xenorhabdus ehlersii DSM16337, Xenorhabdus japonica DSM16522, Xenorhabdus koppenhoeferii DSM18168, and Xenorhabdus mauleonii DSM17908
Draft genome and description of Consotaella salsifontis gen. nov. sp. nov., a halophilic, free-living, nitrogen-fixing alphaproteobacterium isolated from an ancient terrestrial saline spring
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrosospira multiformis, an Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium from the Soil Environment▿ †
Complete genome sequence of Thermocrinis albus type strain (HI 11/12T)
Genome Erosion in a Nitrogen-Fixing Vertically Transmitted Endosymbiotic Multicellular Cyanobacterium
Genome sequence of the thermophilic fresh-water bacterium Spirochaeta caldaria type strain (H1T), reclassification of Spirochaeta caldaria, Spirochaeta stenostrepta and Spirochaeta zuelzerae in the genus Treponema as Treponema caldaria comb. nov.,
Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes
MjCyc: Rediscovering the pathway-genome landscape of the first sequenced archaeon, Methanocaldococcus (Methanococcus) jannaschii