Purifying the Impure: Sequencing Metagenomes and Metatranscriptomes from Complex Animal-associated Samples
RegPrecise 3.0 – A resource for genome-scale exploration of transcriptional regulation in bacteria
Rapid Quantification of Mutant Fitness in Diverse Bacteria by Sequencing Randomly Bar-Coded Transposons
Microbiomes of Velloziaceae from phosphorus-impoverished soils of the campos rupestres, a biodiversity hotspot
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans metabolism: from genome sequence to industrial applications
Novel Hydrophobins from Trichoderma Define a New Hydrophobin Subclass: Protein Properties, Evolution, Regulation and Processing
Genomics, Exometabolomics, and Metabolic Probing Reveal Conserved Proteolytic Metabolism of Thermoflexus hugenholtzii and Three Candidate Species From China and Japan
Diversity and genomic insights into the uncultured Chloroflexi from the human microbiota
Environmental Genomics Reveals a Single-Species Ecosystem Deep Within Earth
Antiquaquibacter oligotrophicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel oligotrophic bacterium from groundwater
A pipeline for targeted metagenomics of environmental bacteria
Ammonia‐oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics