Multifunctional cellulases are potent, versatile tools for a renewable bioeconomy
Microbiome Data Science: Understanding Our Microbial Planet
MycoCosm, the JGI’s Fungal Genome Portal for Comparative Genomic and Multiomics Data Analyses
The parallelism motifs of genomic data analysis
Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data
Bioboxes: standardised containers for interchangeable bioinformatics software
A data analysis and coordination center for the human microbiome project
A k-mer-based approach for phylogenetic classification of taxa in environmental genomic data.
A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data
AmiGO: online access to ontology and annotation data
Next generation sequencing data of a defined microbial mock community
The future of legume genetic data resources: Challenges, opportunities, and priorities