Physiology of Highly Radioresistant Escherichia coli After Experimental Evolution for 100 Cycles of Selection
Phylogenomic Analyses of Non-Dikarya Fungi Supports Horizontal Gene Transfer Driving Diversification of Secondary Metabolism in the Amphibian Gastrointestinal Symbiont, Basidiobolus
Droplet microfluidics for synthetic biology
Zng1 is a GTP-dependent zinc transferase needed for activation of methionine aminopeptidase
Brachypodium as an emerging model for cereal–pathogen interactions
Complete Genome Sequence of Anaeromyxobacter sp. Fw109-5, an Anaerobic, Metal-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from a Contaminated Subsurface Environment
Genomic determination of breeding systems and trans-specific evolution of HD MAT genes in suilloid fungi.
GenomeVISTA—an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization
ProDeGe: a computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of genomes
Life strategies for Aminicenantia in subseafloor oceanic crust
Engineering Pseudomonas putida for efficient aromatic conversion to bioproduct using high throughput screening in a bioreactor
Culexarchaeia, a novel archaeal class of anaerobic generalists inhabiting geothermal environments