Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter sp. IIT-BT 08: A potential microbial strain for high rate hydrogen production
The genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis reveals adaptations for milk utilization within the infant microbiome
Complete Genome Sequence of Paenibacillus strain Y4.12MC10, a Novel Paenibacillus lautus strain Isolated from Obsidian Hot Spring in Yellowstone National Park
Genome sequence of the Antarctic rhodopsins-containing flavobacterium Gillisia limnaea type strain (R-8282T)
Complete genome sequence of the gliding freshwater bacterium Fluviicola taffensis type strain (RW262T)
The Complete Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain CH34, a Master Survivalist in Harsh and Anthropogenic Environments
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Phaseolibacter flectens ATCC 12775T, a plant pathogen of French bean pods
Complete genome sequence of the orange-red pigmented, radioresistant Deinococcus proteolyticus type strain (MRPT)
Complete Genome Sequence of the Thermophilic Bacterium Exiguobacterium sp. AT1b
Genome Sequence of the Arctic Methanotroph Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96
Draft Genome Sequence of Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacterium Oxalobacteraceae sp. Strain AB_14
Genome Sequence of the Methanotrophic Alphaproteobacterium Methylocystis sp. Strain Rockwell (ATCC 49242)