Twenty-five years of Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD): data updates and new features in v.9.
Genome Sequence of Victivallis vadensis ATCC BAA-548, an Anaerobic Bacterium from the Phylum Lentisphaerae, Isolated from the Human Gastrointestinal Tract
Methylome and Complete Genome Sequence of Parageobacillus toebii DSM 14590T, a Thermophilic Bacterium
Genome Sequence of Methanosarcina soligelidi SMA-21, Isolated from Siberian Permafrost-Affected Soil
Genome sequence of Microvirga lupini strain LUT6T, a novel Lupinus alphaproteobacterial microsymbiont from Texas
Complete genome sequence of Thermosediminibacter oceani type strain (JW/IW-1228PT)
Complete Genome Sequence of Sulfolobus solfataricus Strain 98/2 and Evolved Derivatives
Genome sequence of the Lebeckia ambigua-nodulating “Burkholderia sprentiae” strain WSM5005T
Moderate High Temperature is Beneficial or Detrimental Depending on Carbon Availability in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Structure determination of the HgcAB complex using metagenome sequence data: insights into microbial mercury methylation
Complete genome sequence of Haloterrigena turkmenica type strain (4kT)
Genome sequence of the flexirubin-pigmented soil bacterium Niabella soli type strain (JS13-8T)