Specialized Plant Growth Chamber Designs to Study Complex Rhizosphere Interactions
Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly
Microfabrication of a Chamber for High-Resolution, In Situ Imaging of the Whole Root for Plant–Microbe Interactions
Exabiome: Advancing Microbial Science through Exascale Computing
Plant Pan-Genomics Comes of Age
Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics Analyses Reveal Divergent Plant Biomass-Degrading Strategies in Fungi
Fifteen years of microbial genomics: meeting the challenges and fulfilling the dream
High functional diversity among Nitrospira populations that dominate rotating biological contactor microbial communities in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Climate-driven divergence in plant-microbiome interactions generates range-wide variation in bud break phenology
Gallionellaceae in rice root plaque: metabolic roles in iron oxidation, nutrient cycling, and plant interactions.
CRAGE-Duet Facilitates Modular Assembly of Biological Systems for Studying Plant–Microbe Interactions
New Insights Into the Influence of Plant and Microbial Diversity on Denitrification Rates in a Salt Marsh