Microbial life under ice: Metagenome diversity and in situ activity of Verrucomicrobia in seasonally ice‐covered Lakes
Metatranscriptomes of California grassland soil microbial communities in response to rewetting.
Differential depth distribution of microbial function and putative symbionts through sediment-hosted aquifers in the deep terrestrial subsurface
Gene Context Analysis in the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) Data Management System
Integration of Metagenomic and Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence Reveals the Extent and Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide Fixation in High-Temperature Microbial Communities
Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data
Characterization of digestate microbial community structure following thermophilic anaerobic digestion with varying levels of green and food wastes
New keys to unlock the treasure trove of microbial natural products
New Insights Into the Influence of Plant and Microbial Diversity on Denitrification Rates in a Salt Marsh
NMPFamsDB: a database of novel protein families from microbial metagenomes and metatranscriptomes
IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system
A New Method to Correct for Habitat Filtering in Microbial Correlation Networks