Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of Aminomonas paucivorans type strain (GLU-3T)
Erratum to: Complete genome sequence of Pirellula staleyi type strain (ATCC 27377T)
Complete genome sequence of Serratia plymuthica strain AS12
Complete Genome sequence of Burkholderia phymatum STM815T, a broad host range and efficient nitrogen-fixing symbiont of Mimosa species
Draft Genome Sequence of Bordetella sp. Strain FB-8, Isolated from a Former Uranium Mining Area in Germany
Complete genome sequence of Sebaldella termitidis type strain (NCTC 11300T)
Complete genome sequence of Tsukamurella paurometabola type strain (no. 33T)
The draft genome sequence of the ascomycete fungus Penicillium subrubescens reveals a highly enriched content of plant biomass related CAZymes compared to related fungi
High quality draft genome sequence of Corynebacterium ulceribovis type strain IMMIB-L1395T (DSM 45146T)
Complete genome sequence of Cryptobacterium curtum type strain (12-3T)
A genetic linkage map for the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor and its alignment to the whole‐genome sequence assemblies
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil