Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Complete genome sequence of Brachybacterium faecium type strain (Schefferle 6–10T)
Complete genome sequence of the facultatively anaerobic, appendaged bacterium Muricauda ruestringensis type strain (B1T)
Complete genome sequence of Oceanithermus profundus type strain (506T)
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfur-reducer Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum type strain (BSAT) from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent
Complete genome sequence of Ferrimonas balearica type strain (PATT)
Draft genome sequence of Halomonas lutea strain YIM 91125T (DSM 23508T) isolated from the alkaline Lake Ebinur in Northwest China
Complete genome sequence of Sphaerobacter thermophilus type strain (S 6022T)
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium australicum type strain (WSM2073T)
Complete genome sequence of Marinomonas posidonica type strain (IVIA-Po-181T)
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain GB30; an effective microsymbiont of Pisum sativum growing in Poland
Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain Wigar10, Isolated from a Surface-Sterilized Garlic Bulb