A fungal transcription factor essential for starch degradation affects integration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism
A thousand-genome panel retraces the global spread and adaptation of a major fungal crop pathogen
Evolution of extreme resistance to ionizing radiation via genetic adaptation of DNA repair
Genome Project Standards in a New Era of Sequencing
CreA-mediated repression of gene expression occurs at low monosaccharide levels during fungal plant biomass conversion in a time and substrate dependent manner
A parts list for fungal cellulosomes revealed by comparative genomics
Production of Fungal Mycelia in a Temperate Coniferous Forest Shows Distinct Seasonal Patterns
Impact of library preparation protocols and template quantity on the metagenomic reconstruction of a mock microbial community
Novel Viral DNA Polymerases From Metagenomes Suggest Genomic Sources of Strand-Displacing Biochemical Phenotypes
Re-evaluating the Systematics of Dendrolycopodium Using Restriction-Site Associated DNA-Sequencing
A plant host, Nicotiana benthamiana, enables the production and study of fungal lignin-degrading enzymes
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