The genome of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans strain CJ2, isolated from coal tar‐contaminated sediment, reveals physiological and metabolic versatility and evolution through extensive horizontal gene transfer
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas extremaustralis strain USBA-GBX 515 isolated from Superparamo soil samples in Colombian Andes
Repeated Cis-Regulatory Tuning of a Metabolic Bottleneck Gene during Evolution
Probing the active fraction of soil microbiomes using BONCAT-FACS
Convergent reductive evolution and host adaptation in Mycoavidus bacterial endosymbionts of Mortierellaceae fungi
Silicon-rich soil amendments impact microbial community composition and the composition of arsM bearing microbes
Duplications and losses of genes encoding known elements of the stress defence system of the Aspergilli contribute to the evolution of these filamentous fungi but do not directly influence their environmental stress tolerance
Draft genome sequences of Arthrobacter sp. AZCC_0090 and Mycobacterium sp. AZCC_0083 isolated from oligotrophic subsurface forest soil in the Santa Catalina mountains of Southern Arizona
Soil bacterial populations are shaped by recombination and gene-specific selection across a grassland meadow
Early origins and evolution of microRNAs and Piwi-interacting RNAs in animals
Multi-omics of permafrost, active layer and thermokarst bog soil microbiomes