Genomic Analysis of Caldithrix abyssi, the Thermophilic Anaerobic Bacterium of the Novel Bacterial Phylum Calditrichaeota
IMG/M: a data management and analysis system for metagenomes
Adaptations to marine versus terrestrial low temperature environments as revealed by comparative genomic analyses of the genus Psychrobacter
The Transcription/Migration Interface in Heart Precursors of Ciona intestinalis
Meeting Report: “Metagenomics, Metadata and Meta-analysis” (M3) Workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2010
Single-cell enabled comparative genomics of a deep ocean SAR11 bathytype
Comparative Genomics of Regulation of Fatty Acid and Branched-Chain Amino Acid Utilization in Proteobacteria▿ †
The parallelism motifs of genomic data analysis
Pathway-Centric Analysis of Microbial Metabolic Potential and Expression Along Nutrient and Energy Gradients in the Western Atlantic Ocean
Statistical analysis of feature-based molecular networking results from non-targeted metabolomics data
Genesis and Expansion of Metazoan Transcription Factor Gene Classes
Comparative genomics of xylose-fermenting fungi for enhanced biofuel production