Genome-based classification of micromonosporae with a focus on their biotechnological and ecological potential
Optofluidic Raman-activated cell sorting for targeted genome retrieval or cultivation of microbial cells with specific functions
Permanent Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfurococcus amylolyticus Strain Z-533T, a Peptide and Starch Degrader Isolated from Thermal Springs in the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kunashir Island, Russia
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Chryseobacterium bovis DSM 19482T, isolated from raw cow milk
Complete genome sequence of the gliding freshwater bacterium Fluviicola taffensis type strain (RW262T)
Complete Genome Sequences of Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM765T, Desulfosporosinus youngiae DSM17734T, Desulfosporosinus meridiei DSM13257T, and Desulfosporosinus acidiphilus DSM22704T
High quality draft genome sequence of Corynebacterium ulceribovis type strain IMMIB-L1395T (DSM 45146T)
The Complete Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain CH34, a Master Survivalist in Harsh and Anthropogenic Environments
Novel Features of the Polysaccharide-Digesting Gliding Bacterium Flavobacterium johnsoniae as Revealed by Genome Sequence Analysis▿ †
Metagenomes, Metatranscriptomes, and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Chesapeake and Delaware Bay (USA) Water Samples
Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas azotifigens Strain DSM 17556T (6H33bT), a Nitrogen Fixer Strain Isolated from a Compost Pile
Genome Sequence of the Mercury-Methylating Strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132