Diversity of genomic adaptations to the post‐fire environment in Pezizales fungi points to crosstalk between charcoal tolerance and sexual development
Discovery and ecogenomic context of a global Caldiserica-related phylum active in thawing permafrost, Candidatus Cryosericota phylum nov., Ca. Cryosericia class nov., Ca. Cryosericales ord. nov., Ca. Cryosericaceae fam. nov., comprising the four species
Estimating DNA coverage and abundance in metagenomes using a gamma approximation
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14 and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Species within the Genus Nitrobacter▿ †
Extraordinary phylogenetic diversity and metabolic versatility in aquifer sediment
Genomic insights into the Acidobacteria reveal strategies for their success in terrestrial environments
Beyond the tip of the iceberg; a new view of the diversity of sulfite- and sulfate-reducing microorganisms
Genome analyses reveal population structure and a purple stigma color gene candidate in finger millet
Unveiling plasmid diversity in nature
Building a custom high-throughput platform at the Joint Genome Institute for DNA construct design and assembly-present and future challenges.
A comparative genomics study of 23 Aspergillus species from section Flavi
Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus