Engineering a Synthetic Escherichia coli Coculture for Compartmentalized de novo Biosynthesis of Isobutyl Butyrate from Mixed Sugars
Unique genomic traits for cold adaptation in Naganishia vishniacii, a polyextremophile yeast isolated from Antarctica
MIxS-HCR: a MIxS extension defining a minimal information standard for sequence data from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources
Members of the Genus Methylobacter Are Inferred To Account for the Majority of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Oxic Soils from a Freshwater Wetland
p-Nitrophenyl esters provide new insights and applications for the thiolase enzyme OleA
Genome Calligrapher: A Web Tool for Refactoring Bacterial Genome Sequences for de Novo DNA Synthesis
Advances on genomics, biology, ecology and evolution of Brachypodium, a bridging model grass system for cereals and biofuel grasses
Suillus: an emerging model for the study of ectomycorrhizal ecology and evolution
Whole Genome Analyses Suggests that Burkholderia sensu lato Contains Two Additional Novel Genera (Mycetohabitans gen. nov., and Trinickia gen. nov.): Implications for the Evolution of Diazotrophy and Nodulation in the Burkholderiaceae
Diverse events have transferred genes for edible seaweed digestion from marine to human gut bacteria
Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Microbiomes Metabolizing Thin Stillage from an Ethanol Biorefinery
New insights from uncultivated genomes of the global human gut microbiome