Early-branching gut fungi possess a large, comprehensive array of biomass-degrading enzymes
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Biochemical and structural characterization of enzymes in the 4-hydroxybenzoate catabolic pathway of lignin-degrading white-rot fungi
Ice cover extent drives phytoplankton and bacterial community structure in a large north‐temperate lake: implications for a warming climate
Successional adaptive strategies revealed by correlating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance with host plant gene expression
Comparative genomics of pyrophilous fungi reveals a link between fire events and developmental genes
Evidence-based green algal genomics reveals marine diversity and ancestral characteristics of land plants
The F-box protein gene exo-1 is a target for reverse engineering enzyme hypersecretion in filamentous fungi
Mechanisms of Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi Vary With Species and Time as a Function of Secretome Composition
Comparative genomics of Mollicutes-related endobacteria supports a late invasion into Mucoromycota fungi
A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data
Uncovering the dominant role of root metabolism in shaping rhizosphere metabolome under drought in tropical rainforest plants