Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions Select for Unique but Highly Parallel Microbial Communities to Perform Carboxylate Platform Biomass Conversion
A zinc-finger-family transcription factor, AbVf19, is required for the induction of a gene subset important for virulence in Alternaria brassicicola.
High-Throughput Metagenomic Technologies for Complex Microbial Community Analysis: Open and Closed Formats
Complete genome sequence of DSM 30083T, the type strain (U5/41T) of Escherichia coli, and a proposal for delineating subspecies in microbial taxonomy
Metagenomic Insights into the Uncultured Diversity and Physiology of Microbes in Four Hypersaline Soda Lake Brines
Genome-Resolved Meta-Omics Ties Microbial Dynamics to Process Performance in Biotechnology for Thiocyanate Degradation
Metagenomics uncovers gaps in amplicon-based detection of microbial diversity
A toolkit for microbial community editing
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
Global patterns of diversity and metabolism of microbial communities in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits
Guidelines for public database submission of uncultivated virus genome sequences for taxonomic classification
A Genome-Wide Scan for Evidence of Selection in a Maize Population Under Long-Term Artificial Selection for Ear Number