Disentangling the effects of sulfate and other seawater ions on microbial communities and greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal forested wetland
Community ecology across bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes in the sediment and seawater of coastal Puerto Nuevo, Baja California
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
Genome‐Wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean
Silicon-rich soil amendments impact microbial community composition and the composition of arsM bearing microbes
Transductomics: sequencing-based detection and analysis of transduced DNA in pure cultures and microbial communities
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
Microbial functional diversity across biogeochemical provinces in the central Pacific Ocean
Genome-resolved correlation mapping links microbial community structure to metabolic interactions driving methane production from wastewater
Complete genome sequence of DSM 30083T, the type strain (U5/41T) of Escherichia coli, and a proposal for delineating subspecies in microbial taxonomy
Assembly and Succession of Iron Oxide Microbial Mat Communities in Acidic Geothermal Springs
Patterns in Wetland Microbial Community Composition and Functional Gene Repertoire Associated with Methane Emissions