Twenty-five years of Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD): data updates and new features in v.9.
Synthase-Selective Exploration of a Tunicate Microbiome by Activity-Guided Single-Cell Genomics
The emergence of microbiome centres
Identification and characterization of a skin microbiome on Caenorhabditis elegans suggests environmental microbes confer cuticle protection
Next generation sequencing and bioinformatic bottlenecks: the current state of metagenomic data analysis
Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome
Plant–microbiome interactions: from community assembly to plant health
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.
Biases in genome reconstruction from metagenomic data
Comparative Genomic Analysis of Phylogenetically Closely Related Hydrogenobaculum sp. Isolates from Yellowstone National Park
MIxS-HCR: a MIxS extension defining a minimal information standard for sequence data from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources
Visualizing metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data: A comprehensive review