Honey Bee Gut Microbiota Divvy Up Dinner
Analysis of saccharification in Brachypodium distachyon stems under mild conditions of hydrolysis
Association mapping by aerial drone reveals 213 genetic associations for Sorghum bicolor biomass traits under drought
Polysaccharide utilization loci of North Sea Flavobacteriia as basis for using SusC/D-protein expression for predicting major phytoplankton glycans
A synthetic pathway for the fixation of carbon dioxide in vitro
Single-cell Sequencing of Thiomargarita Reveals Genomic Flexibility for Adaptation to Dynamic Redox Conditions
Protocol for single-cell isolation and genome amplification of environmental microbial eukaryotes for genomic analysis
Cell Wall Compositions of Sorghum bicolor Leaves and Roots Remain Relatively Constant Under Drought Conditions
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Microbial Genome Annotation Pipeline (MGAP v.4)
Global Diversity of the Brachypodium Species Complex as a Resource for Genome-Wide Association Studies Demonstrated for Agronomic Traits in Response to Climate
Development of a Freeze-Dried CRISPR-Cas12 Sensor for Detecting Wolbachia in the Secondary Science Classroom
Genomic Methods and Microbiological Technologies for Profiling Novel and Extreme Environments for the Extreme Microbiome Project (XMP).