Characterization of a novel polyextremotolerant fungus, Exophiala viscosa, with insights into its melanin regulation and ecological niche.
Comparative analysis of GT14/GT14-like gene family in Arabidopsis, Oryza, Populus, Sorghum and Vitis
Systematic Identification of Gene Families for Use as “Markers” for Phylogenetic and Phylogeny-Driven Ecological Studies of Bacteria and Archaea and Their Major Subgroups
Genomics and Transcriptomics Analyses of the Oil-Accumulating Basidiomycete Yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus: Insights into Substrate Utilization and Alternative Evolutionary Trajectories of Fungal Mating Systems
Diversity and genomic insights into the uncultured Chloroflexi from the human microbiota
Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification
Genome analyses reveal population structure and a purple stigma color gene candidate in finger millet
Deep‐sea hydrothermal vent metagenome‐assembled genomes provide insight into the phylum Nanoarchaeota
Rapid Response of Nitrogen Cycling Gene Transcription to Labile Carbon Amendments in a Soil Microbial Community
Genome-wide analysis of Aux/IAA and ARF gene families in Populus trichocarpa
Flooding and ecological restoration promote wetland microbial communities and soil functions on former cranberry farmland
Mixtures of aromatic compounds induce ligninolytic gene expression in the wood-rotting fungus Dichomitus squalens