Quantitative genetic-by-soil microbiome interactions in a perennial grass affect functional traits
Draft Genome Sequence of Methylocapsa palsarum NE2T, an Obligate Methanotroph from Subarctic Soil
Speciation Underpinned by Unexpected Molecular Diversity in the Mycorrhizal Fungal Genus Pisolithus
The Chlorella variabilis NC64A Genome Reveals Adaptation to Photosymbiosis, Coevolution with Viruses, and Cryptic Sex
Genome sequence of the chemoheterotrophic soil bacterium Saccharomonospora cyanea type strain (NA-134T)
Draft Genome Sequence of a Terrestrial Planctomycete, Singulisphaera sp. Strain GP187, Isolated from Forest Soil
Diversity, evolution, and classification of virophages uncovered through global metagenomics
Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilization Affects Microbial Community Composition and Nitrogen Mineralization Functions in an Agricultural Soil.
Comparative Analysis of 126 Cyanobacterial Genomes Reveals Evidence of Functional Diversity Among Homologs of the Redox-Regulated CP12 Protein
Flow cytometric monitoring of bacterioplankton phenotypic diversity predicts high population‐specific feeding rates by invasive dreissenid mussels
Mo than Meets the Eye: Genomic Insights into Molybdoenzyme Diversity of Seleniivibrio woodruffii strain S4T
Decomposing a San Francisco estuary microbiome using long-read metagenomics reveals species- and strain-level dominance from picoeukaryotes to viruses