Biogeochemical Cycling by a Low-Diversity Microbial Community in Deep Groundwater
Production of Fungal Mycelia in a Temperate Coniferous Forest Shows Distinct Seasonal Patterns
The Architecture of Metabolism Maximizes Biosynthetic Diversity in the Largest Class of Fungi
Extent and Origins of Functional Diversity in a Subfamily of Glycoside Hydrolases
Conserved unique peptide patterns (CUPP) online platform 2.0: implementation of +1000 JGI fungal genomes.
Teredinibacter haidensis sp. nov., Teredinibacter purpureus sp. nov. and Teredinibacter franksiae sp. nov., marine, cellulolytic endosymbiotic bacteria isolated from the gills of the wood-boring mollusc Bankia setacea (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) and emended
Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant–fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle
Scaling Up Existing Skill Sets
Tanja Woyke Elected to American Academy of Microbiology
High Five: Celebrating the JGI-UC Merced Genomics Internship Program
JGI-Enabled Research Demonstrates the Existence of New Methane-Makers