JGIota: Looking Back at How Cow Rumen Samples Landed on a Syllabus
The Megadata of Lake Mendota - Part 2: Souped Up Computing
Exploring the Diversity of the American Prairie’s Switchgrass
JGI announces second round of 2023 New Investigator awardees
Toasting to the 2020 JGI-UC Merced Summer Internship Program
Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics (MGM) Workshop
New Research Sheds Light on Diversity in the Deep Sea
Marine Microbe Contains Multitudes
Bacteria and Fungi Divvy Up the Work in Forest Floor
JGI@25: Roots of a Mutualist Relationship
JGI Early Career Researchers Featured in mSystems Special Issue
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens