Plant Metabolic Network 15: A resource of genome‐wide metabolism databases for 126 plants and algae
Synthase-Selective Exploration of a Tunicate Microbiome by Activity-Guided Single-Cell Genomics
PEATmoss (Physcomitrella Expression Atlas Tool): a unified gene expression atlas for the model plant Physcomitrella patens
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata
Defining the Sphagnum Core Microbiome across the North American Continent Reveals a Central Role for Diazotrophic Methanotrophs in the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles of Boreal Peatland Ecosystems
Functional Genomics of Novel Secondary Metabolites from Diverse Cyanobacteria Using Untargeted Metabolomics
A parts list for fungal cellulosomes revealed by comparative genomics
Plant compartment and biogeography affect microbiome composition in cultivated and native Agave species
Development of platforms for functional characterization and production of phenazines using a multi-chassis approach via CRAGE
A new reference genome for Sorghum bicolor reveals high levels of sequence similarity between sweet and grain genotypes: implications for the genetics of sugar metabolism
Functional genomics of lipid metabolism in the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.