Complete genome sequence of Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus strain AHT2T, a haloalkaliphilic sulfidogen from Egyptian hypersaline alkaline lakes
Complete Genome Sequence of a thermotolerant sporogenic lactic acid bacterium, Bacillus coagulans strain 36D1
Complete genome sequence of Syntrophothermus lipocalidus type strain (TGB-C1T)
High quality draft genome sequence of Meganema perideroedes str. Gr1T and a proposal for its reclassification to the family Meganemaceae fam. nov.
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Complete genome sequence of Spirosoma linguale type strain (1T)
Genome sequence of the lupin-nodulating Bradyrhizobium sp. strain WSM1417
Genome sequence of the free-living aerobic spirochete Turneriella parva type strain (HT), and emendation of the species Turneriella parva
Complete genome sequence and the expression pattern of plasmids of the model ethanologen Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 and its xylose-utilizing derivatives 8b and 2032
Complete Genome Sequence of an Evolved Thermotoga maritima Isolate
Genome Sequence of the Mesophilic Thermotogales Bacterium Mesotoga prima MesG1.Ag.4.2 Reveals the Largest Thermotogales Genome To Date
Complete genome sequence of Serratia plymuthica strain AS12