The Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.5: a metadata management system based on a four level (meta)genome project classification
Fungal diversity and function in metagenomes sequenced from extreme environments
Whole genome assembly from 454 sequencing output via modified DNA graph concept
Tracking of enzymatic biomass deconstruction by fungal secretomes highlights markers of lignocellulose recalcitrance
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
DNA methylation and gene expression regulation associated with vascularization in Sorghum bicolor
Methanogens implicated by DNA evidence
Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.8: overview and updates
Fungal ecological strategies reflected in gene transcription ‐ a case study of two litter decomposers
A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem
Seasonal Succession Leads to Habitat-Dependent Differentiation in Ribosomal RNA:DNA Ratios among Freshwater Lake Bacteria
Chapter Five The Sphagnum Genome Project A New Model for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics