Genomic Methods and Microbiological Technologies for Profiling Novel and Extreme Environments for the Extreme Microbiome Project (XMP).
Phototrophic Co-cultures From Extreme Environments: Community Structure and Potential Value for Fundamental and Applied Research
Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity
Comparative single-cell genomics reveals potential ecological niches for the freshwater acI Actinobacteria lineage
Systematic Identification of Gene Families for Use as “Markers” for Phylogenetic and Phylogeny-Driven Ecological Studies of Bacteria and Archaea and Their Major Subgroups
Resequencing and annotation of the Nostoc punctiforme ATTC 29133 genome: facilitating biofuel and high-value chemical production
DOE Metrics
Bacteria and Fungi Divvy Up the Work in Forest Floor
JGI Early Career Researchers Featured in mSystems Special Issue
A Redesign for Yeast’s Genome, Chromosome by Chromosome
JGIota: Looking Back at Sequencing for Soybeans
Experimenting with EcoFABs for Student Labs - Jill Bouchard & Ying Wang