Natural Prodcast
VEGA Symposium
Linking microbial Sphagnum degradation and acetate mineralization in acidic peat bogs: from global insights to a genome-centric case study
Coupled laboratory and field investigations resolve microbial interactions that underpin persistence in hydraulically fractured shales
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
Exabiome: Advancing Microbial Science through Exascale Computing
JGI-KBase Panel at SACNAS
Sediment microbial communities in Great Boiling Spring are controlled by temperature and distinct from water communities
Identification of functional single nucleotide polymorphism of Populus trichocarpa PtrEPSP‐TF and determination of its transcriptional effect
Insights into the dynamics between viruses and their hosts in a hot spring microbial mat
Cell-free prototyping enables implementation of optimized reverse β-oxidation pathways in heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria
Multi-chassis engineering for heterologous production of microbial natural products