Genomic properties of Marine Group A bacteria indicate a role in the marine sulfur cycle
Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi
CO2 response screen in grass Brachypodium reveals the key role of a MAP kinase in CO2-triggered stomatal closure
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi
Heterospecific Neighbor Plants Impact Root Microbiome Diversity and Molecular Function of Root Fungi
Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic Aquificae Viruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase
An HMM approach expands the landscape of sesquiterpene cyclases across the kingdom Fungi
Biomass‐degrading enzymes are catabolite repressed in anaerobic gut fungi
Enhancing Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Activity on Substrates with 3′ Terminal Structures for Enzymatic De Novo DNA Synthesis
Structure determination of the HgcAB complex using metagenome sequence data: insights into microbial mercury methylation
Laccase and Its Role in Production of Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species during Wood Decay by the Brown Rot Basidiomycete Postia placenta▿ †
Degradation of Bunker C Fuel Oil by White-Rot Fungi in Sawdust Cultures Suggests Potential Applications in Bioremediation