Draft Genome Sequence of the Basidiomycete White-Rot Fungus Phlebia centrifuga
Comparative and transcriptional analysis of the predicted secretome in the lignocellulose‐degrading basidiomycete fungus Pleurotus ostreatus
Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum
Draft Genome Sequences of Three Monokaryotic Isolates of the White-Rot Basidiomycete Fungus Dichomitus squalens
Genetic isolation between two recently diverged populations of a symbiotic fungus
Characterizing Communities: JGI Announces Latest CSP Portfolio
JGI on the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers List
JGI Contributes Eight to 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list
JGI@25: Strengthening Soybean
Doubling Down on Known Protein Families
JGI at the AGU Fall Meeting
Game On: High School Students Drive Everglades Metagenomics Study