JGI@25: Strengthening Soybean
Olpidium, The Key to the Origin of Terrestrial Fungi
JGI@25: Roots of a Mutualist Relationship
Uncovering Novel Genomes from Earth’s Microbiomes
Forest Fungi, Seagrass, and a New View of Symbiosis
Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
The Surprising Structure of a Shrub Willow Sex Chromosome
Alabama A&M Interns Access An Abundance of Knowledge
JGI@25 RECAP: 2022 Annual Meeting features historical perspectives on JGI’s 25 years
An Age of CRAGE: Advances in Rapidly Engineering Non-model Bacteria
Computationally Classifying Fungal Lifestyles
At the nexus of three kingdoms: the genome of the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita provides insights into plant, endobacterial and fungal interactions