10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
From Stress to Growth: The adaptive mechanisms of algae in changing Arctic waters
Graduate Students Get Thesis Research Opportunity at the JGI
Three founding ancestral genomes involved in the origin of sugarcane
The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Unveiling plasmid diversity in nature
Changes in ambient temperature are the prevailing cue in determining Brachypodium distachyon diurnal gene regulation
Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma
Shotgun metagenomic analysis of microbial communities from the Loxahatchee nature preserve in the Florida Everglades
A chromosome‐scale reference genome of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) provides insights into disease resistance, cold tolerance and genome evolution in Citrus
Engineering a new-to-nature cascade for phosphate-dependent formate to formaldehyde conversion in vitro and in vivo