Complete genome sequence of Coraliomargarita akajimensis type strain (04OKA010-24T)
High quality draft genome sequence and analysis of Pontibacter roseus type strain SRC-1T (DSM 17521T) isolated from muddy waters of a drainage system in Chandigarh, India
Draft genome sequence of Nitrobacter vulgaris DSM 10236T
Draft genome sequence of carbapenem-resistant Shewanella algae strain AC isolated from small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor)
Complete genome sequence of Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans type strain (5575T)
Genome sequence of the clover-nodulating Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain TA1
Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. cholerae▿
Complete genome sequence of Brachybacterium faecium type strain (Schefferle 6–10T)
Genome sequence of the orange-pigmented seawater bacterium Owenweeksia hongkongensis type strain (UST20020801T)
Draft Genome Sequence of Yokenella regensburgei Strain WCD67, Isolated from the Boxelder Bug
The genome sequence of segmental allotetraploid peanut Arachis hypogaea
Improved Draft Genome Sequence of Microbacterium sp. Strain LKL04, a Bacterial Endophyte Associated with Switchgrass Plants