Taxonomic assignment of uncultivated prokaryotic virus genomes is enabled by gene-sharing networks
Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacterial and Archaeal Type Strains, Phase III: the genomes of soil and plant-associated and newly described type strains
IMG/VR v4: an expanded database of uncultivated virus genomes within a framework of extensive functional, taxonomic, and ecological metadata.
scMicrobe PTA: near complete genomes from single bacterial cells
IMG/VR v3: an integrated ecological and evolutionary framework for interrogating genomes of uncultivated viruses
Recent Activity in Expanding Populations and Purifying Selection Have Shaped Transposable Element Landscapes across Natural Accessions of the Mediterranean Grass Brachypodium distachyon
Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant–fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle
Signatures of transposon-mediated genome inflation, host specialization, and photoentrainment in Entomophthora muscae and allied entomophthoralean fungi
Recruiting Human Microbiome Shotgun Data to Site-Specific Reference Genomes
Analysis of Ten Brucella Genomes Reveals Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer Despite a Preferred Intracellular Lifestyle▿ §
Fishing for Novel Cellulose Degraders
Researching and Solving Real-World Problems with the 2023 JGI-UC Merced Interns