Glacier-preserved Tibetan Plateau viral community probably linked to warm–cold climate variations
Pathway and Gene Discovery from Natural Hosts and Organisms
Comparative metagenomics of hydrocarbon and methane seeps of the Gulf of Mexico
Diversity of active viral infections within the Sphagnum microbiome
Tiny Earth: A Big Idea for STEM Education and Antibiotic Discovery
Global distribution of a wild alga revealed by targeted metagenomics
Viral dark matter and virus–host interactions resolved from publicly available microbial genomes
High Potential for Biomass-Degrading Enzymes Revealed by Hot Spring Metagenomics
A Social Science Experience
Propagation of viral genomes by replicating ammonia-oxidising archaea during soil nitrification
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
Illuminating the Virosphere Through Global Metagenomics