Fungal genomes mining to discover novel sterol esterases and lipases as catalysts
Ammonia‐oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics
Fungal Endophytes of Populus trichocarpa Alter Host Phenotype, Gene Expression, and Rhizobiome Composition.
Comparative genomics reveals insights into characterization and distribution of quorum sensing-related genes in Shewanella algae from marine environment and clinical sources
Peatland Fungal Community Responses to Nutrient Enrichment: A Story Beyond Nitrogen
Incorporating Genomics and Bioinformatics across the Life Sciences Curriculum
Genomics of cellulosic biofuels
CreA-mediated repression of gene expression occurs at low monosaccharide levels during fungal plant biomass conversion in a time and substrate dependent manner
A fungal transcription factor essential for starch degradation affects integration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism
Evidence-based green algal genomics reveals marine diversity and ancestral characteristics of land plants
A thousand-genome panel retraces the global spread and adaptation of a major fungal crop pathogen
Single-Cell Genomics Reveals Hundreds of Coexisting Subpopulations in Wild Prochlorococcus